Common Student Housing Problems

We call it a home away from home. Education has proven to be very important in our world today. This can be shown by a larger number of students who leave their homes in the quest to hunt for knowledge in the higher institutions. These places accommodate people of various originality with diversified thoughts and minds.

So if you think it’s a nice time spending your academic years in the student hostel, then you need to think again. In this article, we intend to let you know some `of the Student Housing Problems.

Convenience and accessibility.

Most of us were not used to moving over a long distance on foot. But this is a challenge that anyone who plans to live on a student hostel must be prepared to face. Sometimes institutions are located far away from the only available hostels. But because you will have to put up with the daily timetable, then you will be forced to be waking up in advance as you prepared to attend your classes.

So the challenge is here is that you may not be able to easily access these hostels because of their distances from the institution.

High cost

We have conducted our research and discovered that student hostels are very costly. The reason behind this is that these hostels are normally meant to serve the students who learn in the nearby institutions. A time comes when their number increase and the hostels become insufficient. This means that the hostel will be in high demand. The owners end up increasing the rents which and reality do not favour the students. Some are forced to “pirate” because of the inability to raise the expected rent.

Security and safety.

For those living within the university premises never experience these challenges because the institution normally employs security officers to safeguard the hostels and the gate. This meant that they will always stay peacefully. But let’s take a situation where either is over 100 hostels outside the institution, the truth is that the landlords normally show less concern for the students.

Few of them manage to install security cameras or employ the security officers. Having said that, you will realize that those abuse drugs in these hostels may cause security threats to others and they may need up stealing from themselves. They say if you do not lose a gas, laptop, phone or any electronic, then you are lucky.

Lack of privacy

It’s very pathetic that you will never have your way without someone knowing something about you. The issue of privacy is infringed and you will have to cope with the entire population. A hostel having 24 single rooms and then 2 bathroom and 3 toilets. Surely it’s a big problem that has landed so many people into problems


We all may not be able to afford those smart hostels with humble space we see around us. But does that meant that you will have to pay rent for homes with limited space? Landlords have been determined to get more money which has made them construct rooms with very limited spaces. This can affect students who need rehearse such as those from the art or music classes. Sometimes getting the hanging line becomes a problem and you have to wait until the clothes of your neighbour dry so that you can get a chance to wash and hang your clothes

Pests and rodents

If you are hearing this for the first time, then do not ask yourself questions about how this can be possible. Bedbugs have become an issue of concern to most student hostel. The spread may be associated with a large number of people who come from different places. When they interact it others, then the pests also spread.


These are the common Student Housing Problems and we believe that there is more that can be done to save the students. Regulations should be put in place when these hostels are constructed so that the student can be saved from their mysteries.

How to find budget student accommodation or a room?

Many students have to relocate to a new city or town for their higher education and these students do not have any prior work experience and have no savings. Hence they depend almost completely on their parents for financial help.

To avoid being a burden on their parents, many students are interested in finding accommodation at the lowest cost possible. While some colleges have hostels for students, there are many smaller colleges which do not have hostels since they have only a few students from outside the city. Some tips for finding low-cost student accommodation to match the budget are provided.


It is important to estimate the time for which the rental accommodation will be required well in advance. The duration of most courses is specified, some course is for a few weeks, while others are for a few months, a year or longer. Property owners are renting their rooms for specific periods only, and if the period for which the room has to be rented, it is easier to find suitable rooms. Also, room rentals are higher during the peak tourist season for the area, so it is advisable to join the course, during the off-peak season.


Another important factor to be considered while searching for accommodation is the location of the college where the course is being conducted. It is advisable to rent a room in the vicinity of the college, preferably within walking distance. This will save a lot of time and money in commuting expenses. The college may have an arrangement with local property owners who offer rooms for rent to the students. Hence, it is advisable to check with the college, if they have any provision for the accommodation of students who are not from the city where the college is located.

Different types of student rooms available

The different options available for students who are interested in finding a rental room are as follows:
– hostels have rooms for students and working professionals at a reasonable rate. However the quality of their facilities vary greatly, it is advisable to check reviews and location before finalizing a hostel room.
– shared rental accommodation: renting an apartment is expensive for a single student, so it is advisable to network with other students who are also looking for rental rooms. The students may be from the same college or other colleges.
– paying guest accommodation is a cost-effective option for a student with limited funds since there are many families with a spare room which they wish to rent out. The only disadvantage is that the student may not get along with the family or the rules are extremely strict.

Finding room rentals.

Online classified websites and property portals are the most popular option for students who are interested in finding a suitable room rent since these websites can be accessed from anywhere. It is also advisable to check with the local property brokers, who may be aware of low-cost rooms for rent, which are not listed online, because of privacy and other concerns.